Professional Sports

Equilibria offer Professional teams and organizations a unique opportunity to help them realize their potential.
With our years of experience in Business development along with our Public charity E-Colors in Education and the work we did with the Houston Super Bowl Host Committee, we can now offer professional teams training in 3 key areas.
Off-field – the success of the “front office staff” is equally as important as the success of the athletes. If this team doesn’t perform not only will it affect the performance of the athletic department but it can affect the business itself.
It is also essential that “front office staff” are able to communicate effectively with the “on-field” team to have a successful organization.
We help organizations in areas such as:
Influencing commitment in prospective clients and business partners
Developing employees and managers into leaders with excellent communication and engagement capabilities.
Developing internal coaching capabilities through coach-the-trainer programs
Build a strong team guided by the organization's mission, vision, values and strategies
Performance coaching programs to enhance team cohesion and discipline in the areas of safety, reliability, efficiency and productivity
Heighten awareness of leadership styles
On the field – Every team wants to be able to put the best athlete on the field to give them the best chance of winning. Sometimes through personality clashes or egos, this does not happen and teams can end up losing good players due to individuals unable to communicate with each other and understand the differences in their personality.
Many former athletes will say that they got on with certain coaches more than others and some may even go as far as to say a former coach tried to ruin their career. Whilst this last statement may feel true to the athletes, most coaches do have the best interest of their athletes in mind. Often, what this comes down to is a lack of understanding, awareness and trust between the two parties.
Equilibria in Sports are able to offer a simple yet extremely effective framework that helps coaches and athletes understand each other’s personal tendencies and why and how they do certain things.
This develops an increase in the following areas:
Communication & Team Work
Team Dynamics and Culture
Leadership & Engagement
Leadership Potential
Self Awareness of one's own strengths and potential limiters
Awareness of others
Mutual expectations
We have all been in a situation where we have reacted in a way we should not, possibly in the home, at work, on the freeway or even on social media. These acts can lead to unintentional consequences that can have a serious effect on an individual’s career or perhaps their life or even the lives of others.
Through E-Colors and Personal Intervention, we are able to create an increased awareness of personal choice. We are able to teach individuals to understand their own tendencies in a way that helps them exercise “Personal Intervention” and respond in a way that is proven to lead to better intentional consequences whether this is on the field, at home or in the community or even on social media.
In the community – Does your team have a community outreach programme? Would you like to find a better way to make an impact in your community? Would you like to offer the young people of your community a programme that is proven to increase grades, graduation rates and attendance in schools whilst also decreasing bullying incidents?
E-Colors and Personal Intervention is the perfect programme if that’s what you are looking for.
E-Colors and Personal Intervention are designed to increase intentional leadership, communication, teamwork, self-awareness and awareness of others.
In recent years a troubling trend has occurred in youth sports. As many as 7 out of 10 young people will drop out of organized sports. These are the athletes of the future and possibly the next Superstars.
Whilst we will never be able to make that number ZERO we do believe that we can help keep young people more involved in sports going forward and in the process, create future professional athletes and a better relationship within the community. This is done by engaging with younger people in a way that best suits them as individuals and makes them feel more wanted and more valued.